CruiseManager assists you with embarkation and ensures great results.

  •  All procedures in one screen
  •  Filtering tools
  •  Option to select between different cruises and segments
  •  Option for taking passenger pictures
  •  Auto-fill passenger information by swiping passports
  •  Register EC compatible credit cards manually, or automatically by swiping
  •  Option to register more than one credit card per passenger
  •  Option to choose which revenue centres will affect which cards
  •  Option to set maximum chargeability for a credit card
  •  Print/reprint receipts
  •  Option to link passenger accounts

CruiseManager supports the use of multiple PCs to process embarkation procedures at the same time with no additional delays..

Ship-to-terminal connections can be handled via Ethernet or Wi-Fi.Over the years, we have encountered a variety of issues prevalent in the embarkation process (antenna repositioning, network and cable errors, etc). To avoid potential accidents and increase stability, we’ve developed a dual-server based embarkation scenario with redundancy.  For example, in the case of temporary signal loss, you will not necessarily need to delay embarkation. You will have a short time to re-establish the connection as long as the replication server is running.


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